Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog Assignment # 1

My name is Regina Simmons and I was born in Mobile Alabama on May 20th.I do not like the idea of defining myself because I am aware that I am always changing and evolving but for now here are a few things about me: I am a student of every subject and enjoy exploring the depths of there interconnectedness. I am passionate about vegetarianism, the environment, and rebuilding this country as a true democracy. I have a BA in Art History, Psychology and Fine Arts. I am an artist and specialize in ceramic sculpture. I enjoy all mediums of expression but find combining the natural elements of this earth to create art the most fulfilling. I am however currently working full time towards my masters in education and hope to be a part of a progressive reconceptulization of the education system. I decided that I should be a teacher because I want to have a job that is of service and help to the world. This profession will also allow me to have time during the summers to create art and write. I have many hobbies such as: knitting, painting, playing disc golf, reading, collecting old books and records and gardening. I hope to use my creativity in the classroom and inspire students to become passionate about learning and the arts.


  1. I think your majors are interesting. I, myself, am also very interested in the arts. I don't believe you are alone when you say you went into the teaching field to give something to someone or something. Most people I've ever known interested in teaching were in the education field for the same reason. I think your creativity will be very useful with your journey through a career in education. What level do you intend to teach? I am personally aiming for secondary education.

  2. A "true" democracy? We should discuss this. For a long time I considered myself a political scientist (that is my training) and you raise some very interesting questions through your goal!
